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myBuro Contract Labor managment Solution Price

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Time Attendance

Min 100 Labor
35/- Per Labor/ Month - Billed Yearly
  • Daily Head Count Dashboard
  • Manpower Dashboard
  • 24 X & Shift Management
  • Labor Approval
  • Multiple Contractors
  • Overtime Calculations
  • Labor Daily Rates
  • Contractor Billing
  • Payroll Management
  • Contractor Compliances

Biometric Integration

Min 100 Labor
15/- Per Labor / Month - Billed Yearly
  • ESSL Biometric Systems
  • ZKTeco Biometric Systems
  • Biomax Biometric System
  • Timewatch Biometric System

Contractor Login

Min 5 Contractors
300/- Per Contractor / Month - Billed Yearly
  • Labor Joining Proess
  • Labor Documents Management
  • Labor Appointment Letters
  • Daily Attendance Dashboard
  • Monthly Billing

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